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The Glass Forest, a short story set in the dark and exciting world of 'No Gods, No Masters.'

The No Gods, No Masters Saga

An Epic Adventure. Urban Fantasy in a Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Future.

In the Future… Magic is Illegal.

After the world was brought to its knees by the Great Storm, Strange magic and extra-dimensional beings came to earth.

Pure Humans and their military struggle to defend their planet against beasts, demons, and magic-wielding esoterrorists.

Born and bred to fight for the purity of the planet, Super Soldier Jon 310-257 is ready to defend his home, the City-State Arcology known as the Ziggurat at all costs.

When an ancient Goddess makes contact with Jon in a most surprising way, everything his believes to be true is called into question.

But does he have the strength and courage to become what he was destined to be?

Get started on this wild adventure today!
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